Rainbow Six Siege Operation Shifting Tides: New Operators, Weapons Updates, And Map Changes

Rainbow Six Siege Operation Shifting Tides: New Operators, Weapons Updates, And Map Changes

Rainbow Six Siege’s Operation Shifting Tides is here! If you thought the game was riddled with environmental destruction before, think again, folks.

The Ubisoft-developed tactical shooter game will now see Operator changes and weapons updates with this new patch. And to the sweet, sweet benefit of all you epic gamers out there, Ubisoft has graced us with the details of said update! 

Let’s Start With Everyone’s Favorite: WEAPONS!

On their website, Ubisoft has detailed the weapons that have seen changes welcomed by Shifting Tide’s onset. Among them include:

    • M-12 SMG: Damage increase from 36 to 40
    • FO-12 Shotgun: Damage decrease 10+ meters
    • SASG-12: Increase in damage
  • CSRX 300 Sniper Rifle: NEW WEAPON!!
    • Under-barrel Operator gadget: LV Explosive Lance
  • Mag-NET System: Operator gadget designed to attract & locally detonate opponent weaponry


Up Next: Meet Your New Operators! 

Tom Clancy’s Operation Shifting Tides doesn’t just come with kickass weaponry changes and add-ons. You didn’t expect Ubisoft to show off the new hardware without beefing up their masters, did you?

Look no further than attacker Kali and defender Wamai, Siege’s brand new Operators. Kali is the decorated owner and leader of NIGHTHAVEN Special Intervention Company, a privatized military unit.


Kali’s history comes as a story of persistence. A native to Amreli, India, the attacker spent much of her life bright-eyed at combat, such as martial arts, and aspires to one day join the military.

operator kali from rainbow 6 siege operation shifting tidesUbisoft

To her disappointment, she came to find that women were banned from combat missions in the combat units.

Born at the hands of her persistence to serve, NIGHTHAVEN was later founded.

Kali operates the new CSRX 300. Its design is best-fit for breaking through so-called unbreakable barriers and leaving gaping, maneuverable holes. Its under-barrel add-on is the LV Explosive Lance.

Kali is quoted with saying: “Acceptance of mediocrity is the first step toward failure.”

It’s reported that Kali and Wamai meet in NIGHTHAVEN.

operators kali wamai rainbow 6 siege operation shifting tidesUbisoft


A native to a Kenyan fishing village, Wamai comes to us as an experienced diver and passionate military personnel. His Journey to NIGHTHAVEN came as the result of his experience in the navy.

Wamai’s notable weaponry is the aforementioned Mag-NET System, a throw device built to disarm opponents and enemies through targeted detonation. The System is designed to adhese itself to surfaces, locate opponent weapons, and deactivate them.

Say it with us, gamers, GG’s ALL AROUND!

Wamai is quoted with saying: “The closer you are to death, the more vibrant life becomes.”

Miscellaneous Updates:

The well-known Theme Park map has been revamped! Although Siegers do not get the shiny new map this go-around, the overall size of the map will be, wait for it … condensed.

Yes, it’s true! The errors made apparent by the initial Theme Park’s size will (fingers crossed) be alleviated with Ubisoft’s decision to shrink the overall map’s size. This is reported to be accomplished by the removal of “Train,” a metaphorically elephant-sized middle section of the map that caused much of the apparent difficulty.

theme park map rainbow 6 siege operation shifting tidesUbisoft

Other notable and miscellaneous changes include improvements to Siege’s bullet penetration mechanics and Capitao’s brand-spankin’-new elite skin!

Now, we can’t say for certain what our G FUEL Game Rank might be, but by the looks of it, we’re going to have a heck of a time figuring it out!

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