Frequently Asked Questions

Can I edit my subscription? +

Of course! You can pause, add, edit, or cancel your subscription at anytime. Subscriptions are completely customizable in your GFUEL account under active subscriptions.

When will my subscription arrive? +

Your first shipment will process like any normal order placed through our website. It typically takes 1 – 3 business days for fulfillment. All future subscription orders will ship out 30, 60, or 90 days after your first order ships depending on the frequency that you select when checking out.

How do I cancel my subscription? +

In your account select “active subscriptions”, and then select “cancel” next to each of your subscription products. You can cancel an order up to 24 hours before your next scheduled shipment date. You can also reactivate your subscription at anytime!

How do I return a subscription order? +

Like all our products, any item can be returned for a refund of the subtotal of that item if it has not been opened or used. Return labels are not provided. The return address is as follows: G FUEL, LLC Attention: RETURNS G Fuel, LLC 100 Wireless Blvd Hauppauge, New York 11788-3955

What products are available? +

Select Energy and Hydration tub flavors will be included in our subscription program to start. Note, that new flavors will experience a temporary “blackout” period before they are included in the subscription program. Pre-orders are not available for subscription. 

What price will my subscription renew at? +

It will renew at the price and frequency listed until it ends or is cancelled. If a re-occuring discount code is applied during checkout. The discount code will auto apply at the discount amount at the time of your subscription renewal.