The dark and thrilling world of Castlevania has delighted gamers for decades, but its gothic adventures and epic monster battles are not to be underestimated. Prepare to unleash your inner vampire slayer with G FUEL Vampire Killer Energy Formula, the ultimate power-up to help conquer your foes and fears. Packed with delicious pineapple guava flavor, this formula is the perfect way to boost your side-scrolling reflexes with enough energy and focus to overcome Dracula himself. So sharpen those blades and loosen your whips – it’s time to go vampire hunting with G FUEL!
Unlike our “competitors” who rely on loads of sugar to provide you with a false sense of energy, we don’t – Which means zero “crash”.
Caffeine is a natural stimulant consumed worldwide. The primary benefit is that of cognitive function stimulation - Essentially giving your mind a “jump start” when it needs it most.
Our addition of a focus amino provides you with a unique edge that most other drinks on the market cannot.
Just the right balance of antioxidants that work in tandem with our vitamin complex to promote healthy cell production.
Our formula contains the perfect combination and subtle ratio of Vitamins C + E + B12 + B6
Vampire Killer
Ships October 2024
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If you purchased a pre-order, your entire order will ship within the date range specified on the product page at the time of purchase.
Please note: If a pre-order item states it will ship during a certain month, it does not mean it will ship the 1st of said month, it will ship on any given date within that month.